About the akhirah project


We envision a world where everyone has hope and support, overcoming poverty and vulnerability to achieve a brighter future.


We are committed to delivering sustainable, life-changing solutions to those facing adversity due to natural disasters, poverty, and disease.


Our values prioritize the well-being of those we serve, with expertise and experience at the heart of everything we do. Collaboration with other organizations is key to maximizing our impact and providing vital help to those in need. 

 Welcome to The Akhirah Project, a non-profit organization that operates on a 100% donation policy. This means that every penny you donate goes directly towards the cause. We are committed to providing short and long-term relief as well as long-term self-sustaining projects to those in need around the world. Our team is entirely run by volunteers who take no wages, admin fees, or hidden costs. We are fully transparent and provide feedback on all our projects, ensuring that your donations are making a real difference in the lives of those we support.

At The Akhirah Project, we distribute zakat donations in person to the beneficiaries and personally oversee projects in various countries. We pride ourselves on physically distributing the entire aid from start to end during every deployment, ensuring that your donations reach the people who need them most.

By donating to The Akhirah Project, you can start creating your legacy and offer your Sadaqah Jariyah. Our Sadaqah Jariyah project is a blessed initiative that provides ongoing rewards both in this world and in the Hereafter. Giving Sadaqah Jariyah is about leaving a lasting impact of happiness and blessings for yourself and others.

We’ve put together a list of transformative, impactful initiatives for you to support, enabling you to multiply your blessings while also assisting in the alleviation of poverty. Your donations will be used to build masjids, wells, support orphans and widows, and respond to any emergency requests.

We understand that life can be busy, which is why we ensure that you can donate to the project on a monthly basis for as long as you want and can cancel at any time. We are here to make things easier for you and to ensure that your donations have a real impact on the lives of those in need. You can help us by fundraising for us. Join us in our mission to invest in your akhirah.

What People Say About Us

I had the life-changing opportunity to deploy to Bangladesh for the emergency flood appeal, and the impact of what I witnessed will stay with me forever. Witnessing the devastating effects of the floods was heart-wrenching beyond words. It was not just the impoverished who were affected, but everyone in Sylhet felt the weight of this disaster. Seeing firsthand the inhumane living conditions of people was overwhelming, and it broke my heart to witness. Many were already struggling to survive, and with the floods, they were left stranded, without even the most basic of necessities. The loss of innocent lives was not limited to humans alone, but many animals and livestock perished too, leaving a trail of unspeakable tragedy behind. Despite the unimaginable challenges, I was humbled to be part of an incredibly dedicated and compassionate team that strived to provide relief and comfort to those affected by the floods. It reaffirmed my unwavering belief in the power of empathy and humanity and the necessity to support those in dire need. I am forever grateful for the privilege to have served with such an exceptional and committed team, and I eagerly anticipate every future opportunity to continue making a positive impact in the world. Lastly, I would like to relay a message back to the supporters from the recipients who received your donations… "From wherever it is you came from we Thank you and May Allah shower His limitless blessings upon all of you, without any bounds or restrictions, for without seeing us or knowing us, at a time of dire need we witness that you helped us, we won't forget and in return we can only remember you in our prayers!"

Our Sponsors

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